API Documentation
Important Changes
The introduction of custom columns for projects means that some fields on task will return a wider range of values.
The status_id
field can now contain values higher than 5, these indicate the ID of the column a task is in.
A value of null still indicates a task is in 'feedback' and a value of 5 indicate a task in closed, values higher than 5 indicate a task is in a custom column.
The status
field will now contain 'feedback', 'closed' or the name of the column the task is in.
On projects with custom columns this will be the name of the custom column.
If you have an API integration that relies on status_id
or status
having the original fixed
set of values you will need to make changes before you will be able to use projects
with custom columns.
To use the API, please generate an API key for your organization from within the application, under Settings > General Settings.
Use basic HTTP authentication with the API key as user and 'x' as password.
All requests must use https to connect.
Rate limiting
BugHerd uses a sliding window to manage the number of API requests that can be made. You can make an average of 60 requests per minute, with bursts of up to 10 in quick succession. If you make more frequent API calls, a 429 error will be returned instead of the expected result.
The limit may be lifted for approved applications which have been tested and use webhooks where possible in favour of periodic polling.
Our API is being continuously improved based on your feedback. If you are missing a feature, please email [email protected].
All API calls below include an example call using the 'curl' command. To try the command, please replace 'api_key' with the API key for your account, and also replace the IDs with relevant IDs.
Show organization
Get more detail of your account.
GET /api_v2/organization.json
List users
See all the people in your account.
GET /api_v2/users.json
GET /api_v2/users/members.json
GET /api_v2/users/guests.json
List projects
Get a list of all projects within your account.
GET /api_v2/projects.json
GET /api_v2/projects/active.json
The response will include the list of projects and a "count" of all projects in the organization:
{ "projects":[...], "meta":{ "count":12 } }
Note: only the first 100 records are returned by this API. If the "count" is greater than 100 you need to get each page separately, by passing a "page" GET parameter. Example:
Show project
Show details for a specific project. Note: if you'd like to see the tasks in the project, refer to section 'List tasks'.
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}.json
Example response data:
{"project":{ "id": 1000, "name":"My Website", "is_active":true, "is_public":false, "has_custom_columns":false, "guests_see_guests":false }}
Create project
Create a new project. The project will initially have no members.
POST /api_v2/projects.json
name: The name of the project. devurl: The full URL of the project\'s primary website. is_active: True if the project is active. Otherwise the project is disabled. is_public: True if public feedback is enabled on the project. guests_see_guests: True if guests are able to see feedback created by other guests on this project.
Example request data:
{"project":{ "name":"My Website", "devurl":"", "is_active":true, "is_public":false, "guests_see_guests":false }}
Add member
Add a member to a project.
POST /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/add_member.json
Request data:
Add guest
Add an existing guest to a project, or invite someone by email address.
POST /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/add_guest.json
Request data:
{"email":"[email protected]"}
Update project
Update settings for an existing project under your control (ie: only the ones you own).
PUT /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}.json
Example request data:
{"project":{ "is_public":true }}
Delete project
Delete a project and all associated data. Use with care, deleted projects cannot be recovered.
DELETE /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}.json
List tasks
Get a full list of tasks for a project, including archived tasks.
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks.json
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/feedback.json
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/archive.json
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/taskboard.json
Find tasks in a particular column
You can use the status parameter with the name of the column
eg.You can filter tasks using the following GET parameters: updated_since, created_since, status, priority, tag, assigned_to_id and external_id. Examples on how to use filters are below:
Each response will include the list of tasks and a "count" of all projects in the organization:
{ "tasks":[...], "meta":{ "count":12 } }
Note: only the first 100 records are returned by this API. If the "count" is greater than 100 you need to get each page separately, by passing a "page" GET parameter. Example:
Show task
Important Changes
The introduction of custom columns for projects means that some fields on task will return a wider range of values.
The status_id
field can now contain values higher than 5, these indicate the ID of the column a task is in.
A value of null still indicates a task is in 'feedback' and a value of 5 indicate a task in closed, values higher than 5 indicate a task is in a custom column.
The status
field will now contain 'feedback', 'closed' or the name of the column the task is in.
On projects with custom columns this will be the name of the custom column.
If you have an API integration that relies on status_id
or status
having the original fixed
set of values you will need to make changes before you will be able to use projects
with custom columns.
List details of a task in a given project, includes all data including comments, attachments, etc.
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}.json
To search by a local task_id instead
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/local_tasks/#{local_task_id}.json
Below is an explanation of the output:
id: globally unique ID local_task_id: ID within the project project_id: ID of the containing project created_at: timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ updated_at: timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ closed_at: timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ or null deleted_at: timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ or null description: the user-entered text to describe the problem status: backlog, todo, doing, done or closed or the name of a custom column status_id: integer for status or null, 0 = backlog, 1 = todo, 2 = doing, 4 = done, 5 = closed, integers more than 5 indicate a custom column id priority: not set, critical, important, normal or minor priority_id: integer for severity 0 = N/A, 1 = critical, 2 = important, 3 = normal, 4 = minor site: website this task was logged on url: location of web page tag_names: list of tags external_id: value as set from api requester_email: email address of the requester, if present attachments: list of urls to the bug attachments screenshot_url: url to the screenshot image for the bug secret_link: unguessable url to the bug (does not require login) admin_link: link to the bug in the task board (does require login) assigned_to: user information on assignee requester: user information on requester
Add a new task in a project.
POST /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks.json
Important Changes
The introduction of custom columns for projects means that some fields on task will return a wider range of values.
The status_id
field can now contain values higher than 5, these indicate the ID of the column a task is in.
A value of null still indicates a task is in 'feedback' and a value of 5 indicate a task in closed, values higher than 5 indicate a task is in a custom column.
The status
field will now contain 'feedback', 'closed' or the name of the column the task is in.
On projects with custom columns this will be the name of the custom column.
If you have an API integration that relies on status_id
or status
having the original fixed
set of values you will need to make changes before you will be able to use projects
with custom columns.
Example request data:
{"task":{ "description":"Example task", "priority":"normal", "status":"backlog", "requester_id":123, "tag_names":["ui","feature"], "assigned_to_id":123, "external_id":"ABC123" }}
{"task":{ "description":"Example task", "requester_email":"[email protected]", "assigned_to_email":"[email protected]", }}
"requester_email" can be any email address while "assigned_to_email" needs to be of a current project member.
Values for "priority" are not set, critical, important, normal, and minor.
Values for "status" are backlog, todo, doing, done, and closed. Omit this field or set as "null" to send tasks to the Feedback panel. For projects with custom columns you should pass the column name
External ID is an API-only field. It cannot be set from the BugHerd application, only using the API. An external ID can be used to track originating IDs from other systems in BugHerd bugs.
Update task
Update one of the tasks in a project.
PUT /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}.json
Important Changes
The introduction of custom columns for projects means that some fields on task will return a wider range of values.
The status_id
field can now contain values higher than 5, these indicate the ID of the column a task is in.
A value of null still indicates a task is in 'feedback' and a value of 5 indicate a task in closed, values higher than 5 indicate a task is in a custom column.
The status
field will now contain 'feedback', 'closed' or the name of the column the task is in.
On projects with custom columns this will be the name of the custom column.
If you have an API integration that relies on status_id
or status
having the original fixed
set of values you will need to make changes before you will be able to use projects
with custom columns.
Request data:
{"task":{ "priority":"normal", "status":"backlog", "assigned_to_id":123, }}
If you'd like the update to happen on behalf of a specific user in the project (note that those user's permissions do not apply when making an update via the API, this is only for audit logging purposes)
{"task":{ "status":"todo", "updater_email":"[email protected]", }}
Below are examples for unsettings values (only allowed for status and assigned_to_id)
Unassigning a task:
Moving a task back to feedback:
Moving a task to one of the default columns called done:
Moving a task to a custom column named "testing":
List columns
Get a full list of columns for a project
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/columns.json
Show columns
List details of a column in a given project,
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/columns/#{column_id}.json
Create column
Create a new column on a project
POST /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/columns.json
Update column
Update a column on a project
PUT /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/columns/#{column_id}.json
List comments
Get a paginated list of comments for a task.
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}/comments.json
Create comment
Adds a new comment to the specified task.
POST /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}/comments.jsonRequest data:
{"comment":{ "text":"comment here", "user_id":123 }}
{"comment":{ "text":"comment here", "email":"[email protected]" }}
List attachments
Get a paginated list of attachments for a task.
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}/attachments.json
Show attachment
Get detail for specific attachment.
GET /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}/attachments/#{id}.json
Create attachment
Adds a new attachment to the specified task using an existing URL.
POST /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}/attachments.jsonRequest data:
{"attachment":{ "file_name":"resolution.gif", "url":"" }}
Upload attachment
Upload a new attachment and add it to the specified task. The file contents need to be specified as the POST data on this request.
Note that your upload needs to be reasonable in size as the maximum time the request may take is around 30 seconds. If you have larger uploads please create arrange your own file upload and create the attachment from a URL instead.
POST /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}/attachments/uploadNote in the sample below please specify an existing file name.
Delete attachment
Delete an attachment from a task. Note that this action is permanent and cannot be undone.
DELETE /api_v2/projects/#{project_id}/tasks/#{task_id}/attachments/#{id}.json
Webhooks are great for creating applications with synchronisation in two directions. That is, rather than just being able to read and write to and from BugHerd when there is activity in your application, allow your application to hook into BugHerd activity as well.
To test webhooks, it is recommended to use a service such as RequestBin.
Note: when a webhook is returned a 410 (Gone) HTTP error code, it is interpreted as an explicit instruction that the webhook is pointing to an incorrect target and will result in the webhook being removed automatically.
List webhooks
Get a list of currently installed webhooks.
GET /api_v2/webhooks.json
Create webhook
POST /api_v2/webhooks.jsonWhen installing a webhook, specify an event you wish to hook into. Choose from: "task_create", "task_update", "comment" or "task_destroy". To get activity for all 3 events, create an entry for each event.
"project_id" is optional; it only needs to be specified if you'd only like events on a specific project. Omitting "project_id" results in notifications of activity on all your projects.
Request data:
{ "project_id":1, "target_url":"", "event":"task_create" }
Delete webhook
DELETE /api_v2/webhooks/#{id}.json